Hello. I'm Pankaj Jangid
I read code. I write code.

This is my own space. Follow … oops! … bookmark this page and check once in a while to see what I am currently working on. Sorry if I sound like a self-obsessed person. But there is no other place (on the WWW) where I find it easy to write; may be because of absense of my writing toolbox - Emacs. And perhaps I protect your privacy in the process 😎. If you have any comments or got a suggestion for me or you just want to say hello to me then write an email at my.firstname@domain.of.this.web.site. Or connect with me on Twitter.

Colors of Web

<2022-06-21 Tue>

Why some designers are now using hsl() instead of rgb() for color settings in CSS? I have tried to explain.

Performance and scale testing of your App on Jira DC

<2021-03-05 Fri>

Those who develop apps for the Atlassian Marketplace, must have come across this requirement that their apps must meet a prescribed performance and scalability criteria. Well, we also got this notice.

I started to explore, thinking where to start. And found that Atlassian has very nice documentation for conducting this exercise. In fact if you follow the guidelines religiously, you will be through without any other help.

I have written this article to share my experience. Actually, I have taken notes so that I can refer to it later for conducting similar tests. I am sure you will like it.

MacOS Contacts in Emacs

<2021-01-23 Sat>

I was browsing the etc/NEWS file from the latest emacs source code and found this useful feature. Now there is a builtin EUDC backend for MacOS contacts. My online contacts book is connected to macOS contacts via CardDav and now Emacs is also connected to that.

Created with Emacs 29.0.50 (Org mode 9.5.4)